Ever since the Internet began, the word “spam” has always carried a negative connotation. It’s associated with that section of your inbox that contains all the unimportant messages. Today, sending several messages or e-mails is also considered spamming, even if you have something great to say. Most people say you shouldn’t do this, but I beg to differ. Once you get the reader’s attention, the benefits are immeasurable both for you and for them. Let me explain why spamming works if you do it right.

While spamming are You Interrupting or Inspiring?

When people are not interested in what you’re saying, your messages are as good as “junk food”. Basically, this gives off the impression that you are interrupting peoples’ valuable time, possibly to the point of ruining their day.

But here’s the catch— your business cannot take off if you never interrupt people. All good things start with a small interruption, after all: Many unwanted introductions lead to big deals and cold calls also allow you to reach the sales quota.

How can you catch their attention? Well, it’s important to know your audience. If your business can help streamline processes and monitor employees, look for managers. For them, your messages may be thought-provoking and inspiring. It will lead them to click and visit your website. Now, if you send the same message to, say, an independent financial advisor who does not manage a team, your message will be considered junk. It will be unwanted and intrusive, to say the least.

So you see, sending spam is wrong if you send it to the wrong person. The right person will see the value in your messages and will eventually be converted into loyal customers.

Find The Right Person

Today, there are numerous ways to go about prospecting. Networking websites such as Linkedin and Hubspot are good places to start. You can use their database to check peoples’ companies and their contact information. Finding the right e-mail addresses, social media accounts, and phone numbers can help you get in touch with the right people.
Of course, you have to introduce yourself properly. You do not want to send them messages out of the blue without telling them where you found their information. Your first message must contain important information about your company so that they will not opt-out of your e-mail list. At this point, they will only give you three kinds of replies—no, yes, and the silent treatment. The last two are good. Yes, even the “silent treatment” is a positive sign, because this means you can send them messages until you get their attention. Once they’ve remained in your list, you can now start sending them the good kind of spam.

How to Send Good Spam

Once you’ve identified your audience, you can now start rolling your periodic messages. If you’re thinking, “Well, I don’t know their specific problems,” you’ll just have to guess. Instead of speaking about your new product for the entire 3-minute read, you can talk about common industry problems and offer great ideas (then insert your product). In this way, you’re giving them something of value without asking for anything in return… yet. Slowly, their familiarity with you will build up, and your next few messages will begin to stand out in their inboxes. To sustain this, you must also continuously craft a compelling read each and every time.

If you’re still unsure, you can always start with a survey. Don’t be afraid to call up a few trusted colleagues or even strangers and ask them about their problems. You can tell them that you are planning to start a cold messaging campaign. Often, at the right time of the day, they will be more than happy to give you an idea. Just ask.
After writing a few messages, test them out and check the rate of responses. You can do this in batches of 10 and send them to specific people. Based on how they respond, you can revise and send out different versions. The moment you find a pattern that works, build up on that. If you keep writing the type of messages that get better responses, you’ll most likely get consistent customer conversions.

So you see, spamming is wrong if you send it to the wrong person. The right person will see the value in your messages and will eventually be converted into loyal customers. 

How to Get That “Golden Click” with the right message

Most of the time, business owners come to us to ask about their slow-converting campaigns. We then ask them a couple of questions to find the cause, much like an interview.
Their usual opening lines start with “We did a few campaigns in the last weeks/months, and they are not good…”

To which we reply, “What’s your criteria to say that it was not good?”
“Well, actually, people do not answer.”
“How many times did you send them the message?”
“We’ve already sent three.”
“Okay, can we see those messages?”

At this point, we then check the messages and find a long, long block of highly-technical text. Of course, nobody wants to read this kind of content. Each message in your campaign has to be concise – just maybe three or four sentences at maximum.

In addition, most of the customers also engage during the first three to four messages. According to the analysis we’ve gotten from several of our campaigns, about 20% to 30% of people will start answering and interacting with you. However, after that, the engagement quickly drops, and you’ll probably have fewer replies during the fifth and sixth messages. This is where most companies stop and say, “It doesn’t work, so let’s go and do another campaign. Let’s do something different.” But what they don’t know is that if they continue with the seventh, eighth, ninth… until they get to the 13th message, the curve will increase again. In fact, it’s going to surpass the rate of interaction during the first few messages.

So, what usually works for us is sending 13 messages in a row. In message marketing, it seems that 13 is, in fact, a very lucky number. What follows this is a 50-percent rate of reply for the next messages… as long as the content is compelling.

Find Out What Works

13 eye-catching messages seem to be fairly easy, right? Behind this, a lot of research and evaluation still have to be done and done right. The funny thing is, even if you do everything excellently, you still have to go through the painful process of “waiting” until your team publishes the 13th to 20th messages.
When I first learned about our engagement statistics, our team called a few of the people who actually answered our messages. We asked them why they only answered our messages after spamming them around 13 to 20 times. To our surprise, they said, “I didn’t see any of your other messages,” or “I was too busy to read during that time.” Eventually, our messages drowned in a sea of other more recent messages in their inboxes.
Whatever the mundane reason was, when they finally saw one message, they realized we’ve been trying to connect with them for the last three months. This time, they said, “Let’s give it a go.” So, don’t quit. Eventually, they’ll see your message.

What we want to tell you is very simple— spamming works… if you do it the right way. With the right audience, the right message, and the right testing of your message campaign, your rate of replies will eventually reach exponential growth. Of course, remember to sprinkle a little bit of patience throughout the ups and downs of the campaign.

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